Through a series of recent gains and losses, my roommate Emily concluded that life is for living and that 2013 is the Summer of Emily. I think her specific advice was “jump on board or get out of the way.”
Flying on the coat tails of this attitude, Emily and I went to a minor league baseball game, the Salt Lake Bee’s, after work last Tuesday. I wore a skirt so we weren’t mistaken for lesbians. And Emily looked nice because it’s the Summer of Emily, and I believe those are part of her rules as outlined.
I’m not sure how minor league baseball became the definitive way for us to live that particular evening, but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t the right thing to do. Because if you haven’t gotten dressed up to join the flanks of the only people left in Salt Lake City who still drink beer, coupled with a million Mormon families with a million Mormon kids all piled on a lawn together in harmony, barely watching a ballgame, then you haven’t lived, man.
We capped the night off at Sonic for some low-calorie beverages and cheers’ed ourselves a good summer. I call our new-found attitude dodging the dip. Emily calls it the Summer of Emily as previously covered. Either way, we’re in for some pretty high highs I think.